Friday, December 12, 2008


Unforgivable - Patrick Kelly

People tell me just to let it go
But they don’t have what I’ve got for you
They can say these things ‘cause they don’t know
What it is that I’m going through
I’ve searched all my life for someone like you
I’m well past the point of all control
This is something I’ve got to do

Because these feelings inside are the kind I can’t shake
And we have our whole lives but I just can’t wait

Bring the comfort back into my soul
I feel you warm me but still I feel so cold
And I’ve searched all my life for someone like you
The other part of what completes my whole

All those nights I’ve spent alone
I don’t know how I’ve gotten through
I feel a sickness deep down in my bones
I don’t know what else I can lose...without you...

I can’t get over it, the feeling’s too strong
But the pain feels so good, I just can’t move on
And it’s unforgivable, inexcusable, to be so beautiful
I can’t hold back these feelings I’ve kept for too long

So bring the comfort back into my soul
I feel you warm me but still I feel so cold…

A female version of a hustler

What does this even mean? Why do you have to be a female version of a hustler? No dudes are out here trying to be male versions of a diva. I know what you're thinking...and that sad group of men are trying to be divas. Not a male version of one. You know what a female version of a hustler is? A hustler. Snoop from the wire is a hustler. Beyonce...not so much. Worst part about it...she describes a diva in the song. Not a hustler. I don't get it. How can you claim to be something that you don't even talk about? Maybe an oversight on my part. The song's probably better instrumental. Just my opinion.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Intersection...nothing profound ahead

Every morning on my way to work I have to go through a "T" intersection with one stop sign. This sucks for no one more than those on the stem of the T (see image). This particular intersection backs up because of several reasons:

1. Those on the stem of the T (the car turning in the picture) have to wait for traffic to clear, as they have zero right-of-way.
2. Those coming down the road (towards you in the picture) sometimes have to make a left turn.
3. Those going up the road (away from you in the picture) feel it necessary to let those falling under #1 and #2 go, even though they have no legal obligation to do so.
This sounds like crap, I know. First of all, what the hell am I talking about? Secondly, so what, right? They're being nice. Fuck that. I used to feel like letting them in would be somehow repaid to me later in the day. Let someone in at 8am, and find a dollar at 10am. Let two people in at 8am, win the lottery. But I have had days when letting someone in was the best part of my day. When the shit was already on the fan. So I deemed the courtesy I displayed while behind the wheel and the outcome of my day to have no correlation whatsoever. If I am nice, then I am nice. But I took it a step further...
At what point did we decide that doing something nice yields something nice in return? When did we take the "what goes around comes around" mantra and make it so universally applicable? I guess the real question is: are good people really good? If you ask me, doing something good to get something good in return defeats the purpose of doing the good deed in the first place. "x" does not equal "x+1." Who ever told us, "do this and you will get a good life?" Whatever happened to being good for goodness' sake? Maybe making someone's day is enough. I don't have a lot else to say on this. If you want to be an asshole, be the best asshole you can be. Don't halfstep it. But if you're going to be a "good" person, then be a good person, and let that be the end of it. Don't look for the "come around." You did something nice. Great made someone's day. That should be enough right?

But fuck those cars...they have to wait.