Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Mr. Kelly, what's the piano picture all about?"

So I make music. If you ask me it's pretty damned good. Of course I'd say that right? No but seriously. I listen to what is on the radio. What the "people" like. It's really sad. I hate to sound like an old man, but music really isn't what it used to be. I could go back to the 60's or 70's for a reference but damn, do I really have to to prove my point? We could take it back to '94 if you wanted to. Hell, even '97. Don't get me wrong, there are still some gems out there today but you have to look. Hard. Now don't go calling me a hypocrite...I know there are some things on my iPod that some might deem questionable at best. Bottom line, I like what sounds good. Whether that's Britney or Beethoven, doesn't matter. But trust me, what I lack in music taste (isn't much) I more than make up for in musical talent. Something not on my iPod:

I could put u in a log...cabin somewhere in aspen,
Girl aint nothin to the Pain, it aint trickin if u got what u askin...forrrrr.
Put u in a mansion, somewhere in wiscansin.
Like i said it aint nothin to the pain we could change the last name, wats happinen.

Romantic stuff. What girl doesn't want to hear that, right? Of course I'm being facetious. But people LOVE that song. Super love it. I don't understand. It sounds dumb, the lyrics are horrible, and Lil Wayne sounds wasted. But it gets spins. Lots of them. So anyone who likes this song please tell me why. Let's take another look. Something on my iPod:

Every night I long for you. I look up at the stars, and they whisper back your name.
So I stay up till dawn for you. Convinced the night is ours, but the emptiness remains.

‘Cause you’re still miles away from me, burning me up inside, it’s slowly, surely breaking me.
And your love keeps evading me,
But I can’t say no tonight so I’ll just wait here patiently.

~Patrick Kelly

This isn't the best I can do. There are better songs I've written with better lyrics, but you see what I'm working with. But next to T-Pain and them it looks like sheer brilliance. So what's he got that I don't (besides a recording contract)? There isn't much that I think I'm the best at. I don't even think I'm the best songwriter ever. But I'm pretty good. So someone tell me what's happening...and I'll tell you it's gotta be me. Sometime soonish. Someone else can sing the songs but they have to be sung, and more importantly they have to be heard. I have a gift...don't make me waste my time.


Monologues of a FASHiONiSTA said...

Let me first say that I can attest to the fact that you make great music. Especially since your cd is one of the regular staples in my cd changer in my car. (shout out to QSJ.. I love you baby)

Anyways..I don't love the T-Pain song that you referenced in your blog but I do like it. Not because I think its great but after you hear it so often it becomes catchy. Besides maybe I want to be in a mansion in wiscansin.. LOLOL.

Your day is coming because your musical talent needs to be shared with the world. I know you can and will do it. :)

jmariangela said...

The industry in all aspects of it is so unfair. People with minimal talent such as imo 'soulja boy' get lucky and get a record deal. Where some of the individuals that have great talent have to fight so hard just to get anyone to listen to it. If its what you want go for it. You have to live your dreams in the present. It would be nice for an opportunity to just land in our laps, but that is not always the case. So good luck and based on that song line you referenced of yours it appears you definitely have a talent.

jmariangela said...

I wouldn't mind however as Fashionista said being 'in a mansion in wiscansin'. lol

M. Johnson Brown said...

Ha, f*ck t-pain, and everybody who really thinks this nonsense is hot. I know somewhere, probably all over the place there are dumb ass people listening to this song thinking to themselves, "I've always wanted to go to Wiscansin." thinking its somewhere tropical, not knowing its right here in the continental US snuggled up right next to Minnesota, cold as a bitch. Don't waste time talking to the masses, they're far too busy getting dumber. just my thoughts.

jmariangela said...
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Monologues of a FASHiONiSTA said...
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