Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The most wonderful time of the year

We are coming up on my favorite time of year. The Holidays. Doesn't matter what god you pray to - just about everyone gets excited around this time...

Thanksgiving. It means a variety of things - you get to see family you haven't seen in a while. Friends you don't see too often come home from school and you pick up right where you left off. You meet your homeboy's new girlfriend for the first time. Or your sister's new fiance. Or your brand new niece or nephew. You get to eat your grandmother's home cooking. You get to watch the parade. Ok, you probably sleep through the parade but you know that shit is on. Then you have a football game to watch at noon. Another one at 3. Another one at 6. Watch it with your uncles and cousins. Hate the fact that you have to work the next day, but live in the now while you're with your loved ones. That's what I'm doing a week from today.

And it's cold outside. I catch a lot of flack when I say this but I love cold weather. Don't get me wrong - there isn't much you can't do with a sunny 70-degree day. But the cold is only for those who can appreciate it. Some people rush from the car to the front door. Me...I take deeper breaths. Inhale the crisp winter air. Embrace the gusts of wind that welcome me when I set foot outside. Tell the birds, "see you in Spring, bitches." It actually snowed yesterday in Baltimore. If at any point I was having a bad day, seeing frozen precipitation was a quick remedy. I couldn't wait to wear sweaters, coats, scarves. And I get it for 4 more months! Summer, take your time.

Lest we forget about Christmas? Oh yeah. I'm not even talking about Santa and them. Those boys can stay up in the North Pole for all I care. As much as I complain there's a certain appeal to going to the mall on that last Saturday before Christmas. Seeing all those families together. Little kids who have no idea that the one toy they've wanted all year is waiting in their parents' closet till its debut on Christmas morning. Certain appeal to driving around and seeing all the houses lit up with decorations. Thinking about the family time that went into decorating that tree you see in the living room window. Certain appeal to walking into the house and being overwhelmed with the scent of pine. Certain appeal about the cologne you got for Christmas - it still takes you back even when it's June. And there's a certain appeal to seeing people's reactions to the gift you got for them. It's the best when they're really surprised.

Never been big on New Year's Eve celebrations, but my birthday is January 14 (act accordingly), and I'm actually looking forward to this one. Yes I'm getting old. Fuck it. Staring 30 dead in the grill. But I can dig it... Don't usually get a lot of birthday presents; since it's so close to Christmas people think they can do the "combined" gift. Weak. But I think I'm going to start enjoying birthdays. It's an excuse for me to get all the people I care about together. This year will be no different, so mark your calendars...

I'm all done here. This all may be a bit premature, but I just thought I'd share. Thanks for listening. Here's to the next few months...


jmariangela said...

Great depiction of the holidays. I too am excited. I'll have to book mark this blog so I can come back and read it and think about it all.

Monologues of a FASHiONiSTA said...

This is definitely a feel good blog. It makes me want some hot chocolate and to get in front of the fireplace.