Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back to Basics

Let's back up a bit. I love music. I love Black heritage. I talk about both a lot - every day, for sure - and even throughout this very blog. I make a lot of jokes about various "artists" (I use the term very loosely), and how they reflect upon our culture, but I often jest. Call me optimistic, or call me just plain naive, but I thought it was going to get better. Now I'm realizing that these clowns are serious. So I'm gonna get serious for a while.

My first point, however abundant, can be summed up in as little as one word.


I'm not going to get as in depth as I would like to because I feel like it's a waste of my time...but I know it's not. I have two main issues here with today's music, and without going into the "this is what music used to be" lecture I'd get from my parents, I'm going to dedicate the next couple posts to articulating them to the best of my abilities...more to come on that.

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